Wildfire Incident Information
Fire Status
Last Updated
1 month ago
Fire Start
Monday, April 29, 2024 3:40 AM MDT
Incident #
Dispatch Notes
Contain: 05/19/2024 17:00 | Control: 07/18/2024 08:30
Primary Fire Agency

US Forest Service — Coconino National Forest

Current Weather

Fire Growth Potential

Fire Weather Forecast

Incident Overview

Inciweb information was updated: 4 months ago

The Wolf Fire, reported the morning of April 29, is located about 3 miles northwest of Clints Well.Fire managers had planned to treat the area of the Wolf Fire with the Clints prescribed fire project scheduled for later this month and will be proceeding with land treatment plans following the lightning-sparked ignition.

Basic Incident Details

Last Updated
Thu, May 2, 2024 6:41 PM UTC
Incident Type
Fire Discovered
Mon, Apr 29, 2024 9:40 AM UTC
Incident Commander
Type 4
Coconino National Forest
Incident Description
Land treatment using fire – whether it’s conducted as part of a planned prescribed fire or part of an unplanned wildfire – is an important part of the Forest Service’s 10-year Wildfire Crisis Strategy, which aims to reduce the risk of wildfire to critical infrastructure and communities.

As part of the overall Wildfire Crisis Strategy, the Coconino National Forest is committed to restoring land and protecting watersheds – including work on the Cragin Watershed Protection Project – as part of the wider Four Forest Restoration Initiative (4FRI).
34.578963, -111.35223

Current Situation

1 Acres
Fuels Involved

Lightning-caused wildfires allow an opportunity for land treatment: The removal of forest fuels – such as pine needle accumulation, dead and down trees and other dry plant matter – that create hazardous conditions that could lead to potential catastrophic wildfire.

While differing from a prescribed fire because they are unplanned, naturally-ignited wildfires use many of the same methods to allow fire managers to help fire fulfill its natural role in the northern Arizona ecosystem.

Significant Events

Ignitions will begin Monday, May 6. Fire managers hope to continue ignitions for roughly two weeks.

A closure order for the area of the Wolf Fire is expected to be issued soon.

Planned Outlook

Projected Incident Activity
Smoke is an unavoidable byproduct of land restoration work and wildfire. While early spring wind patterns typically funnel smoke upward for a wider distribution that will lessen smoke impact to nearby communities, area residents and visitors should be prepared for lingering smoke in the Wolf Fire area. More information is available at airnow.gov.