Wildfire Incident Information
This fire is no longer active
0% contained
Fire Status
Last Updated
10 months ago
Fire Start
Monday, July 24, 2023 10:34 AM MDT
Incident #
Grass. doug
Dispatch Notes
Resources O/S | Contain: 10/05/2023 14:15 | Control: 10/05/2023 14:15 | Out: 10/31/2023 07:50
Primary Fire Agency

US Forest Service — Payette National Forest

Current Weather

Fire Growth Potential

Fire Weather Forecast

Incident Overview

Inciweb information was updated: 1 year, 1 month ago

Elkhorn Fire Update August 3, 2023, 7:00a.m.:  The Elkhorn Fire is currently mapped at 23,940 acres, but unfortunately our Infrared flight did not take place last night. Growth of the fire did take in Big Mallard Creek and Bargamin Creek, and further up river for an estimated increase of 100 to 150 acres to the overall size of the fire.

The focus of our efforts on the northwest side of the fire is under a suppression strategy using direct and in-direct firefighting tactics, and point protection measures in the areas of Cook and Mallard Ranch where firefighters will continue implementing structure protection.

Along the river, firefighters will continue to improve structure protection measures at Campbell’s Ferry, Whitewater Ranch, Allison Ranch, and Yellow Pine Bar, and implement measures upriver to Arctic Ranch, The River of No Return Ranch, and Arctic Point Lookout, as well as downriver to China Bar.

Raft launching from Corn Creek resumes this morning. Rafters are asked to not stop in the fire area, stay together and don't linger as jet boats are operating within the burned area in support of firefighting efforts.  It is best to move through the fire are in the early morning hours.  Fire managers will continuing to monitor and manage rafting groups ahead of approaching the fire area.   Continual assessments of the fire danger to rafting public regarding safety, and impact to firefighting efforts are occurring daily.   For additional information on rafting, contact the river desk at 208-756-5587 or 208-481-2625 for more information.

The road to Whitewater remains closed to public traffic and a fire area closure is in the works.  Once implemented the Magruder Corridor will remain open to the north of the fire.  Currently, a Temporary Emergency Closure is in place on roads, trails, and the area east of Mallard Creek drainage and through the Bargamin Creek drainage, and north of Bat Point.  Trail Closures are in place on the Payette National Forest side of the river as well.

Great Basin Team 2 is shadowing the Type 3 Incident Management Team today that is current managing the fire, and will assume command of the fire on Friday morning.  Incident Command Post is being set up at the Red River Work Center (old ranger district office).

An Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place.  All aircraft not assigned to the fire are required to remain out of the TFR area, including those intending to land at private ranches in the area.

The Payette National Forest has a public wildfire information hotline for fire information – 208-634-0820. Visit Inciweb for information on large wildfires at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov , and follow the Payette National Forest on Twitter at @PayetteForest, and on Facebook at U.S. Forest Service – Payette National Forest.

Basic Incident Details

Last Updated
Fri, Aug 4, 2023 12:31 AM UTC
Incident Type
Undetermined - Under Investigation
Fire Discovered
Mon, Jul 24, 2023 8:00 PM UTC
Krassel Ranger District, Payette National Forest
Incident Commander
Tony DeMasters, Incident Commander
Great Basin Team 2
45.506944444444, -115.32555555556

Current Situation

Total Personnel
23,948 Acres
Fuels Involved

Primarily timber, brush and grass. Some light dead and down.

Significant Events

Decreased fire behavior due to cloud cover, lowering temperatures, increased humidity and prolonged day time inversion.

Planned Outlook

Planned Actions
Continue containment efforts and monitoring along the west flank of fire (Trout Creek) and Whitewater Wilderness Ranch. Scout for opportunities to limit fire spread towards the 421 road. Structure assessment and protection preparation will continue at inholdings: Campbells Ferry, Jim Moore Cabin, Whitewater Wilderness Ranch, Mallard Creek Ranch, Cook Ranch, China Bar, River of No Return Lode, Blackie Foster, Rhett Cabin, Arctic Lodge, Arctic Point Lookout and Forest Service bridge infrastructures. Continue mop-up and hazard tree removal at Yellow Pine Bar and Allison Creek. Equipment and supplies will be shuttled via jet boat and aircraft to support planned actions. T1 team will assume command of incident at 0600 Friday morning, Aug. 4.
Projected Incident Activity

48 hours: Thunderstorms expected to arrive Friday with the potential for gusty outflow winds and lightning.

12 hours: Fire activity expected to increase throughout the day as warm temps and low RH, along with northerly winds a concern. Single tree torching with spot fire development is likely.

12 hours: Low relative humidity and moderate temperatures will result in active fire behavior. With fine dead fuel moistures at 3

24 hours: Increased cloud cover and cooler temperatures will reduce the potential for fire spread on Friday. Northwest winds will limit most fire spread to backing along the western flank. Single tree torching may occur, but spotting should be minimal.

48 hours: Cooler temperatures and higher relative humidity will significantly limit fire movement in fine dead fuels. Heavy fuels will continue to burn and will be the most likely source of fire spread. Spotting should be minimal. Winds will shift to out of the east shifting the primary direction of fire spread.

72 hours: Sunday will be the peak of the cooling trend with lower maximum temperatures and high relative humidity. This will suppress fire behavior substantially, though expect burning to persist in heavy fuels. Surface fire spread should be limited to creeping and smoldering activity. Expect wind to shift to out of the south changing the primary direction of fire spread.

72 hours: Fire growth will remain minimal through the weekend but will begin to increase Monday. Fire behavior will remain low and slow in surface fuels, but more heat will be present in heavy fuels. Winds will shift back out of the west.

Dispatch Center Contact

Payette Interagency Dispatch Center (IDPAC)

McCall, ID

