Last Updated
Saturday, September 23, 2023 5:11 AM PDT
(1 year, 5 months ago)
Fire Reported
Friday, August 18, 2023 3:38 AM PDT
(1 year, 6 months ago)
A Type 3 Incident Management Team assumed command of the Crater Creek Fire at 6am on August 20, 2023. The lightning-caused fire began in British Columbia, 11 miles southwest of Keremeos, on July 22 at 3pm and has progressed past the US/Canadian border. The fire is burning in remote and rugged terrain with poor access, it is not currently threatening critical infrastructure or municipal watershed integrity. A Type 3 Incident Management Team assumed command of the Crater Creek Fire at 6am on August 20, 2023. The lightning-caused fire began in British Columbia, 11 miles southwest of Keremeos, on July 22 at 3pm and has progressed past the US/Canadian border. The fire is burning in remote and rugged terrain with poor access, it is not currently threatening critical infrastructure or municipal watershed integrity.
Significant Events
A confine/contain suppression strategy is being implemented, including the improvement of old dozer line and fuel breaks from past fires. Fire behavior varies greatly, due to the almost 5,000 feet of elevation difference the fire is burning in. Fuels are patchy but provide the potential for torching and large runs.
Firefighter and public safety are the highest priorities. Please check up to date road closure information on the websites below. Communication with British Columbia fire officials is ongoing.
Closures: Closure Orders have been issued by the US Forest Service, BLM, and DNR.
USFS: Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest and the Colville National Forest for the following campgrounds, roads, and trails:
Developed Campgrounds Closed
Long Swamp Campground, 14 Mile Campground
Roads Closed
FSR 3900100, 110, 105, FSR 3900395, FSR 3900415, FSR 3900500 (Iron Gate), 502, 505, 510, 515
Trails Closed
Trail No. 340 Long Draw, Trail No. 341 Deer Park, Trail No. 342 Windy Peak, Trail No. 343 Clutch Peak, Trail No. 360 Basin Creek, Trail No. 362 Windy Peak, Trail No. 375 Albert Camp, Trail No. 387 Middle Fork, Trail No. 505 Coleman Ridge from junction with Trail No. 561 north to junction with Trail No. 510, Trail No. 510 Chewuch from junction with 510A Cathedral Driveway north to junction with Trail No. 565 Lesamiz, Trail No. 533 Boundary Trail (Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail) from the junction of the lower Cathedral Lake Trail No. 545 junction east to the Forest Service boundary with the Loomis State Forest, Trail No. 533.2 Smith Lake, Trail No. 534 Tungsten Creek, Trail No. 561 Fire Creek or
WA DNR: The WA Department of Natural Resources has closed the northern block of the Loomis NRCA. This closure includes the Disappointment Trailhead, as well as Cold Springs Campground, Cold Springs Overlook, and Chopaka Lake Campground. The Cold Springs Road is closed 6 miles past the intersection with Toats Coulee Road, and the Fourteen Mile Road is closed 1 mile past the intersection with Toats Coulee Road.
BLM: The Chopaka Lake Campground is closed until further notice.